My apologies for not implementing proper Academic Referencing – this will come later dependent on feedback.
My main Single Transferable Vote website
My secondary website – All data files for all wards of all 32 Councils (Consolidated Election Results Portal)
Voting systems / The Single Transferable Vote in Scotland (STV)
Scottish Local Government Elections 2022
Single Transferable Vote (STV) Factsheet
How does the Single Transferable Vote work in council elections?
Electoral Management Board for Scotland
Spreadsheet: “Local Government Elections 2022 – Results Updated with postals station split”
Hidden worksheet “RawDetails” – VERY helpful – Thank you!!!!
One row for each Candidate for each Ward for each Council.
Professor Sir John Curtice
Fujitsu signs major contract with Scottish Government to deliver election e-Counting solution
Links to all 32 Scottish Councils (
Electoral Reform Society
“We campaign for your democratic rights and a democracy fit for the 21st century. We work across the political divide with all the parties and civil society to put voters at the heart of British politics”.
Scottish Local Government Elections 2022 Electronic Vote Counting Factsheet
“If a ballot paper does not pass the IT system checks, the scanned image is sent to an Adjudicator. This person views the ballot paper image to see if the voter’s intentions can be confirmed. In many cases, the voter’s intentions will be obvious when the ballot paper is viewed. A common question is why the ballot paper needs reviewed when it looks clear. This is often because, for example, what might look like a “1” to a person might also look a bit like a “7” to an IT system. The IT system is set up to send anything doubtful to an Adjudicator. Typically, between 15% and 20% of ballot papers need to be reviewed by an Adjudicator.”
The MNIST Database of handwritten digits,the%20field%20of%20machine%20learning
What Scotland Thinks
“Non-partisan information on attitudes to how Scotland and the UK should be governed”.
National Records of Scotland
Electoral system of Scotland
“The Scottish Parliament uses the Additional Members System (AMS), a compensatory form of proportional representation, to elect MSPs.
It consists of 73 FPTP constituencies and 8 regional lists (7 regional MSPs)”.
Total of 73 + 8 * 7 = 129 MSPs.